The Healthcare Scheme is set up for members of the Police family to help with the cost of private medical treatment when you need it, in the event of an illness. It allows you access to treatment at a range of private UK hospitals and facilities and can reduce time spent waiting for diagnosis or necessary medical procedures. 

The Healthcare Scheme is a discretionary scheme financed by the subscriptions of the members and is not an insurance product. Whereas an insurance product has a set criteria for claims our discretionary scheme claims are assessed on a case by case basis in line with the scheme rules.

There are no medicals, just a friendly team to help you with you and your family’s healthcare.

The scheme currently provides cover for over 20,000 Police Officers, staff and their family members, with the following benefits:

  • Up to £30,000 in-patient / day patients treatment per year
  • The treatment year runs from 1 January to 31 December (for treatments that are covered by the scheme)
  • High quality medical facilities
  • Private rooms with en-suite facilities
  • 24/7 GP Consultation Service, available to Healthcare members

The Healthcare Scheme is provided by PMHC Limited trading as Police Mutual, more information is available on our legal page.

50% discount off the subscription rate for the main member for the first 12 months. Prices depend on your age but, for example, an 18-24 year old would pay £13.50 per month for the first 12 months and then £27 per month thereafter.

Additional members are charged at the normal rate.

To find out how much your monthly subscription will be:

*50% Discount Offer: Terms & Conditions apply click here for full details.

The 50% discount offer is available to UK residents aged 18 to 65, You must be eligible for Police Mutual products. The offer is only open to customers who are new members of the PMHC scheme and who have not benefitted from a PMHC offer previously.

The Police Mutual Healthcare’s (PMHC) healthcare scheme is discretionary and is not an insurance product. It is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority and therefore is not covered by the Financial Ombudsmen Service or the Financial Services Compensation scheme.

The healthcare scheme offers 4 levels of membership:

  • Individual – member only
  • Couple – member plus Spouse, Partner or Civil Partner (co-habiting)
  • Single Parent Family – member plus any dependent children residing at the same address as the member and under the age of 18
  • Family – member plus Spouse/Partner (co-habiting) and dependent children (including Step-Children) up to age 18
  • Private hospital charges paid in full subject to annual benefit limit and a treatment covered by the scheme. Please refer to the Healthcare rules for details of what is not included in your membership
  • For surgeons, anaesthetists and physicians
  • Consultations covered up to £600 a year
  • Diagnostic procedures (including pathology, X-rays, ECGs and all medical scanning techniques covered up to £1,000 a year
  • Treatment (including physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic, psychiatry and psychology where provided by a practitioner recognised by the Police Mutual Healthcare Scheme) covered up to £600 a year
  • Covered up to £1,000 a year (following in-patient or day case treatment and provided by a registered nurse under the direction of a specialist)
  • For non-emergency NHS treatment which is covered by the scheme, members can receive £250 per night (up to a maximum of 21 nights per year)
  • Including up to £25 per night for up to 10 nights per year for one parent or guardian accompanying a dependent under 10 years old, where the child is covered under their membership
  • Any condition that you have had in the five years prior to joining the scheme (that has been treated, or you were aware of, but didn’t seek medical advice, attention or treatment before joining the scheme, or any illness, injury or condition as a result of a known untreated condition which arises at any time whether prior or after such date) will be excluded. If you remain free from advice, medication and treatment for a continuous period of two years after your membership starts, the pre-existing condition can be considered for treatment
  • We cover consultations, tests and operations with a surgeon in relation to cancer but don’t cover chemotherapy, radiotherapy or ongoing consultations with an Oncologist
  • Any dental procedure including orthodontics
  • Any treatment following an emergency admission or transfer from an NHS hospital
  • Any cosmetic or aesthetic surgery or treatment, or surgery or treatment which relates to or is connected because of a previous cosmetic or aesthetic surgery or treatment

For a full list of what is not covered please refer to the Healthcare Scheme Rules

It is important you understand all of the Rules and exclusions of the Police Mutual Healthcare Scheme before considering applying.

For healthcare claims, call 0208 049 8383

Mon-Fri 8.00am-7.00pm