We understand that our users have differing needs and it is our responsibility to ensure that the digital experience of Police Mutual is one that is accessible to all.
With this in mind, we have created guidelines by which we aim to follow on every page. These include:
- Add alternate text (also known as alt text) to images, for those users who are utilising screen readers.
- Make our website as easy to navigate as possible.
- Give the user the ability to contact us via different means. For more information please see our contact us page.
- Follow W3C web standards when creating pages.
These guidelines take into account the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and Disability Discrimination Act.
Your internet browser/device can also assist in making your experience more accessible. Click on the links below for more information.
Additional useful information can also be found on the BBC’s My Web My Way website.
We are always striving to improve our website, so if you have any feedback please do not hesitate to contact us.

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