• Dry January 2022

    Dry January 2022

    This article was published on 23 Dec 2021. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us

    As the New Year arrives, many of us start to think about New Year’s resolutions, the most popular resolutions are usually concerning health and diet, to do more exercise or lose weight. Financial orientated ones are also popular, with many of us wanting to send less or save more money.

    One of the most popular campaigns is Dry January and if you manage to achieve it, it should help improve your overall wellbeing by improving your physical and mental health and by reducing the amount you spend.

    Dry January is the annual movement where millions of people give up alcohol for the month of January. It is run by the charity alcohol change UK, a leading UK alcohol charity. The campaign was first introduced in 2013 and grows larger and larger each year. In 2019, over 4 million people took part in the wellbeing event.

    By agreeing to Dry January, you are committing to not drink alcohol from when you wake up on New Year’s Day until 1 February.

    Alcohol plays a significant role in our lives and culture, with many of us drinking to celebrate, socialise and relax. However, there is a significant proportion of the UK population who have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Alcohol is linked to more than 60 health conditions, including liver disease, high blood pressure, depression, and cancer.

    There are many health benefits of not drinking alcohol or reducing the amount you drink, and these include:

    Sleeping – alcohol can intensify certain sleep conditions like snoring. If you have improved quality of sleep, you will have more energy.

    Financial savings – put aside the amount you would have spent on alcohol each week and see how much you save during the month. If you continue to not drink or reduce the amount you are drinking over the rest of the year, this saving you make could buy you a treat or help to pay off any debts you have.

    Weight loss – a pint of a 5% strength beer contains 239 calories, with a standard glass of wine consisting of around 133 calories. So, giving up alcohol for 4 weeks or longer can make a noticeable impact on your weight.

    Mental health – regular alcohol consumption decreases the levels of the brain chemical serotonin – a key chemical in depression. By avoiding alcohol, your serotonin levels will increase and help regulate your mood.

    Improve your skin – alcohol can cause puffiness and acne. By cutting out alcohol your skin will improve over time. A month alcohol free has a lot of benefits, research published in 2018 in the British medical journal found that a month off lowers blood pressure, reduces diabetes risk, lowers cholesterol, and reduces levels of certain cancer related proteins in the blood.

    A month alcohol free has a lot of benefits, research published in 2018 in the British medical journal found that a month off lowers blood pressure, reduces diabetes risk, lowers cholesterol, and reduces levels of certain cancer related proteins in the blood. In order to track Dry January, use the alcohol change UK App

    Know your units – how much alcohol is too much?

    To keep health risks of alcohol at a low level, the recommended safety limits for alcohol consumption is for men and women not in drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis.

    It’s also advised that at least 2 days a week should be alcohol free.

    Regularly drinking above recommended daily limits risks damaging your health.

    Your weekly units should not be saved up for the weekend and then binge drinking.

    Top tips for alcohol reduction:

    • Alternate an alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic one.
    • Have at least two alcohol free days a week.
    • Find alternative ways to relax when you are stressed.
    • Avoid drinking on an empty stomach.
    • Sip your drink slowly so it lasts.
    • Don’t top up your glass before you have finished a drink so you can keep an eye on exactly how much you are drinking.

    To check how many units you have drunk, use the alcohol change UK’s unit calculator here.

    After the month you may consider giving up alcohol for longer or reducing the amount you drink to improve your wellbeing.

    If you do start drinking again remember that your tolerance to the effects of alcohol will

    likely be much lower, so be careful not to overdo it the first time you choose to drink again.

    Your New Year’s resolutions may include other lifestyle improvements instead of or as well as stopping or reducing drinking alcohol. These may include to eat healthier, increase the amount of exercise you do or to stop smoking.

  • Grief Awareness Week

    Grief Awareness Week

    This article was published on 25 Nov 2021. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us

    Grief Awareness Week is run by the Good Grief Trust Organisation.  The aim of the week is to raise awareness of the impact of grief and to break the taboo around talking about grief. 

    Signs and symptoms of grief

    There is not a correct way to feel when you are grieving.  Bereavement, grief and loss will cause different symptoms and they affect people in different ways. Some of the most common symptoms include:

    – Shock and numbness

    – Overwhelming sadness

    – Tiredness or exhaustion

    – Anger – towards the person you’ve lost or the reason for your loss

    – Guilt – this could be due to many things, including not being with the person when they died, not saying something to them, or not being able to stop your loved one dying.

    These feelings may not be there all the time and powerful feelings may appear unexpectedly.

    For more details click here.

    Looking after yourself following a bereavement

    • Take care of your wellbeing: make sure you get enough sleep, eat regular meals, rest and relax.
    • Be clear on expectations: make sure you know what is expected of you and whether it is realistic.
    • Take exercise: taking exercise, e.g. walking, running and cycling can help you relax and increase wellbeing.
    • Talk to others: make time to talk to your family and friends about how you’re feeling, or if you would find it easier contact Cruse 0808 808 1677.

    Explain to family and friends what they can do to help, don’t be afraid to ask for practical support.

    Try to keep to a regular routine of getting up and dressed and eating meals at the usual time, whether you are on your own or part of a family group. The structure will help, even if only a little.

    You may find you have days when you have more energy, and the grief isn’t as consuming – this is normal. Some people can feel guilty when this happens, but there is no need. It is all a normal part of grieving. Equally if you are really struggling that is also normal. Please don’t feel guilty or angry with yourself.

    What to say when someone is grieving

    It is normal to feel worried about saying the wrong thing to the bereaved, but it is more important that you say something than finding the perfect words. You may find the tips below useful:

    • It is important to acknowledge their loss and offer your condolences, saying how sorry you are that their friend or family member has died.
    • The bereaved may want to talk about the person and tell you stories, they may cry through these stories. You may find this really hard to hear but just being there and listening can be a great comfort. You can’t fix their pain but you can listen.
    • Don’t be afraid to ask more about the person who has died. Allowing the bereaved person to talk and share their feelings with you can make a real difference.
    • Ask if there is anything practical that you can do to help at that time.
    • You could also signpost the bereaved to services such as Cruse for them to access support.

    Helping children to cope with death

    Children and young people need to be given the opportunity to grieve as any adult would. But it is also important to remember that children and young people grieve in different ways. A child’s understanding of death and the nature of their bereavement will be different at different stages of development. Children will experience both physical and emotional reactions to death. Emotional reactions may include shock, denial, anger, depression, guilt. Physical reactions may include disturbed sleep, loss of appetite, challenging behaviour, and developmental delays.

    Useful links:

    NHS Children and Bereavement

    Children Bereavement UK Resources for children and young people

    Cruse Bereavement Care Helping children to cope with death – how to help a child or young child

    Some key points to remember concerning children, young people, and grief:

    • No bereaved child or young person will respond to the death of someone close in the same way.
    • Keep the structure of the bereaved child or young person’s day/night as routine as possible.
    • Allow the bereaved child or young person to say how they feel and do not be offended if they are angry with you or do not want to talk.
    • Give the bereaved child or young person the time to explore their grief and support them as they mourn.
    • Do not feel that you have failed if you need to seek professional help for the bereaved child or young person. You are doing the right thing.
    • Put in place appropriate boundaries if a grieving child or young person is hurting themselves or others and explain why such boundaries are necessary.
    • Do not dismiss a bereaved child or young person’s real or perceived illness.
    • Talk things through with them in an open and honest way, remembering to listen to the child or young person.

    What to do when someone dies

    Working out what to do first when someone dies can seem overwhelming. Besides letting family and friends know, there are several organisations you need to notify when a person has passed away. As well as arranging the funeral and dealing with the financial affairs of someone who has died.

    Useful links:

    Everyone responds to death differently there is no right or wrong way to respond. If you have experienced the loss of a loved one you may need to access professional support. Similarly, if you are supporting someone who has been bereaved you may need support for yourself, especially at this present time when there is so much in the news about death and dying and many of us are feeling anxious. You can access support from the services below:

    Where to get help:


    Cruse Bereavement Care

    Dealing with Bereavement and Grief. Call the free helpline on 0808 808 1677 or email: helpline@cruse.org.uk

    British Psychological Society

    Coping with Bereavement

    Police Mutual Services

    Our Care Line Service provided by Health Assured can offer advice and information at the end of a phone, helping with a range of concerns including coping with a bereavement.  Take a look at the e-portal or download the APP.

    Health & Wellbeing e-portal


    Username: policemutual

    Password: careline

  • International Stress Awareness Week

    International Stress Awareness Week

    This article was published on 01 Nov 2021. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us

    International Stress Awareness Week was created in 2018 to raise awareness about stress prevention.  This year marks 23 years since the establishment of Stress Awareness Day, which is held on the first Wednesday in November each year and has been since 1998.

    We all know what it’s like to feel stressed – being under pressure is a normal part of life. But becoming overwhelmed by stress can lead to mental and physical health problems or make existing problems worse.

    Many people are more stressed now than ever, for some this is due to the worry of the pandemic, for others its due to the increased cost of goods and services and for others its due to the worry of leaving the safety of their home with restrictions now being eased.

    Feeling stressed and worried is perfectly understandable as we are living through a time that we have never faced before. We have little control about the uncertainty of the future, which raises concerns and challenges for many of us.

    The long-time stress and worry of this situation may be making you feel overwhelmed and it’s important to put measures in place to reduce the stress you are feeling.

    International Stress Awareness Week is a great opportunity to take a moment to think about your own wellbeing and find out more on how to manage stress.

    Stress isn’t a mental health condition, but it can cause a mental health problem, like anxiety or depression or it can cause an existing one to get worse.  Stress can also affect you physically, it can cause headaches, insomnia, tiredness or stomach problems.

    What you can do to help manage worries and stress

    There are various steps you can take to cope with being under pressure, remember, different things work for different people.

    • Write down your worries and concerns – this may help process your thoughts and emotions. You can then read the worries back and try to think of them from a different perspective.
    • Keep a daily routine – our overall wellbeing relies on our daily routines, these also help with sleeping & eating patterns. This is why it’s important to ensure you and your family have structure in your day.  The routine can be simple everyday things like, getting up, going to bed and eating at the same times each day, listening to music, going for a daily walk.  They can also include things to look forward to, like visiting a local attraction or café at the weekend. 
    • Identify your triggers and take control – working out what triggers your stress can help you anticipate when you may feel stressed and what you could do about it in advance.
    • Organise your time – making some adjustments to the way you organise your time can help you feel more in control and able to handle the pressure you are feeling.
    • Keep active – exercise can help clear your head and then let you deal with your problems more calmly. Go outside to exercise, as fresh air and spending time in nature can really help.
    • Stay healthy – as well as exercise it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and ensure you are getting enough sleep.
    • Talk to other people – friends, family & colleagues can help support you through the stress you are feeling, you may even have a laugh and start to relax. You may also want to consider talking to a professional counsellor.
    • Do something you enjoy – spending time doing something you enjoy will take your mind off how you are feeling. Everyone needs to take time for themselves, it can be as simple as having a bath or reading a book.
    • Avoid unhealthy ways to cope – many people use alcohol, smoking, chocolate and gambling to try and relieve the stress they are feeling, none of these things will help in the long term, use healthy coping strategies like going for a run, listening to music or walking the dog.
    • Challenge yourself – learning new skills and setting yourself new goals will help build your confidence and make you feel good about yourself.
    • Help others – think of others in your local community, who may need help with small tasks, like shopping or volunteer to help a worthwhile cause, like litter picking or the local food bank. People who help others tend to be more resilient.
    • Keep informed – whilst it’s important to keep up to date with the latest news, it can be overwhelming, so in order to manage any feelings of stress and anxiety consider only checking the news and social media once a day. Ensure you stick to trustworthy sources for the latest information.
    • Keep positive – it’s very easy to focus on the negatives of any situation. But it’s important to stay positive.  Think of all the things that are positive in your life and that you are grateful for, write down or say out loud 3 things that went well each day.  Use these positive statements to create a positivity jar with your family.
    • Try Mindfulness – mindfulness can help reduce stress, it can also give you the space to respond calmly under pressure. For more details click here.
    • Address some of the causes – where possible improve some of the issues that are putting pressure on you.
    • Accept the things you can’t change – it’s not easy but accepting that there are some things happening to you that you can’t do anything about will help you focus your time and energy elsewhere.

    Useful links:

  • Menopause


    This article was published on 30 Sep 2021. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us

    The menopause is a natural stage of life that millions of women experience. It is marked by changes in hormones and the ending of menstruation. It can also bring many other physical and emotional changes. The good news is, you’re not alone. Millions of women go through the menopause and there is now great support available, along with a lot more knowledge and understanding about this.

    In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 51, but the menopause commonly happens any time between the ages of 42 and 56 as a woman’s oestrogen levels decline. But around 1 in 100 women experience the menopause before 40 years of age. This is known as premature menopause and may be caused by hormonal imbalances, chemotherapy, radiation or a hysterectomy.

    The menopause is a natural turning point in a woman’s life that marks the end of the menstrual cycle.

    Please note this guide is not intended to replace professional consultation. Please see your doctor for all medical concerns.

    Stages of the menopause

    The menopause usually happens over a few years and occurs in three stages:

    Peri-menopause. The ovaries gradually produce less oestrogen in the four to five years leading up to menopause. In the last two years of peri-menopause, oestrogen levels drop significantly. This is usually the stage where the most severe menopausal symptoms are experienced.

    Menopause. Twelve months after the last period marks the official stage of the menopause. At this point, the ovaries produce no progesterone, low levels of oestrogen and stop releasing eggs.

    Post-menopause. In the years after the menopause, symptoms like hot flushes usually ease while health risks caused by decreased oestrogen levels typically increase.


    There are many possible symptoms of the menopause and each woman feels them differently but most women will experience some menopausal symptoms. The duration and severity of these symptoms varies from woman to woman. About 8 in every 10 women will have additional symptoms for some time before and after their periods stop. Some of these can be quite severe and can have a significant impact on everyday activities for some women.

    Common symptoms include:

    Physical changes:

    • Hot flushes
    • night sweats
    • Vaginal dryness
    • Insomnia
    • Bloating and weight gain
    • Heart palpitations
    • Headaches
    • Nausea and dizziness
    • Hair thinning & loss
    • Dry eyes
    • Itchy skin
    • Urinary tract infections
    • Breast pain
    • Fatigue
    • Joint stiffness, aches and pains

    Emotional Changes:

    • Low mood and Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Reduced libido
    • Poor concentration
    • Low self-esteem
    • Irritability
    • Forgetfulness
    • Panic attacks
    • Loss of control
    • In some rare cases – suicidal thoughts

    Menopausal symptoms can begin months or even years before your periods stop and last around 4 years after your last period, although some women experience them for much longer.

    Low levels of oestrogen are linked to a number of health problems common in older women. Postmenopausal women are more likely to suffer from:

    • osteoporosis
    • cardiac disease
    • bladder and bowel difficulties
    • vision problems
    • poor muscle power and tone

    When to see a GP

    It’s worth talking to a GP if you have menopausal symptoms that are troubling you or if you’re experiencing symptoms of the menopause before 45 years of age.

    They can usually confirm whether you’re menopausal based on your symptoms, but a blood test to measure your hormone levels may be carried out if you’re under 45.

    If you’re experiencing severe depression or anxiety, bleeding after menopause, or your symptoms are interfering with daily life, you should seek medical attention straight away.

    Your GP can offer treatments and suggest lifestyle changes if you have severe menopausal symptoms that interfere with your day-to-day life.

    These include:

    If your symptoms are giving you discomfort, your doctor may recommend hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which provides almost instant relief from many symptoms by replacing the hormones that you are losing.

    Different HRTs contain different levels of oestrogen and progesterone, obtained from different sources. Your doctor will recommend the best type for you. Some women are not suitable candidates for HRT. Your doctor will discuss this with you. Unsuitable candidates for HRT may include women with a personal or family history of breast cancer, or women with unexplained vaginal bleeding or active liver disease.

    Your GP may refer you to a menopause specialist if your symptoms do not improve after trying treatment or if you’re unable to take HRT.

    It’s crucial that you see your doctor regularly in the years leading up to and following menopause. Get regularly screened and checked to keep an eye on these conditions. Stopping smoking, reducing your blood pressure, regular exercise and a healthy diet will all help lower the risks for the concerns above.


    There are many ways to help relieve your symptoms yourself and make the transition as comfortable as possible. Here are some things you could try:

    Make some time for yourself: It’s extremely important that you look after your own wellbeing and this includes finding time for yourself.  This may be regularly meeting friends, doing exercise, yoga, meditation, going for a walk, having a bath or just sitting reading a book. 

    Hot Flushes:  Your hot flushes may be triggered by something, so try documenting what you’re doing when they start. It could be things like spicy food, alcohol, weather changes and hot beverages. Once you know the cause, you can try and avoid the trigger and reduce their effects.  Another tip is always to dress in layers, it’s then much easier to take off an item of clothing.  Confined spaces can increase hot flushes for some people, if this is the case for you, then try to avoid them.

    Sleep: You may be struggling to sleep, if this is the case try to avoid caffeine and instead exercise in the morning. Use relaxation techniques before going to bed and stick to a regular schedule. If hot flushes are disrupting your sleep, adjust the temperature in the room and always sleep with layers.

    Weight: It’s common to gain weight during the menopause. It’s thought that this may be due to hormonal changes, ageing or lifestyle. During the menopause your metabolism starts to slow down, which leads to weight gain unless you change your lifestyle.   Eating more healthily and exercising regularly will not only help you lose weight but it may also help you avoid heart disease and other health problems. Losing weight has also been found to help reduce hot flushes and night sweats.

    Exercise: Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day, this will help you feel good, improve your sleep and help you remain at a healthy weight, which is likely to increase during the menopause, as well as keeping your heart healthy and bones strong. Other forms of exercise like yoga have also been proven to help reduce hot flushes and help you to relax.

    Your diet: Ensure you are eating a healthy, balanced diet that’s low in saturated fats, sugars and oils and high in fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Make sure you’re getting enough calcium and vitamin D or take a supplement. Some women find that soya products (soya milk, tofu, etc.) and whole-grain foods bring relief. This may be due to the oestrogen-like effects of the phytoestrogens contained in these foods.

    Drink water: During menopause, women often experience dryness. This is likely caused by the decrease in oestrogen levels. Therefore, keeping hydrated is essential. Drinking at least 2 litres of water a day can help with these symptoms. Drinking water can also reduce the bloating that can occur with hormonal imbalance.

    Vitamins: It is commonly known that changes in hormones can cause bones to weaken, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Calcium and vitamin D are linked to good bone health, so it’s vital to get enough of these nutrients in your diet. There is a wide range of foods that are calcium-rich, for example dairy products (yogurt, milk and cheese), green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach), tofu, beans, sardines are also worth considering.

    For vitamin D, sunlight is your main source, since your skin produces it when exposed to the sun. However, as you get older, your skin gets less efficient at making it. The main foods sources are oily fish, eggs, cod liver oil and foods fortified with vitamin D.

    If you struggle to eat the vitamin rich foods, then take a general vitamin tablet every day.

    Smoking: As well as all the health problem associated with smoking, it’s also linked to early menopause and may increase hot flushes. For help quitting smoking click here.

    Alternative therapies:  Acupuncture, meditation and relaxation techniques may be able to reduce the stress of menopause.

    Natural remedies: Try evening primrose oil, liquorice, ginseng or wild yam. There is limited scientific evidence on their safety or effectiveness so talk to your doctor before trying alternative treatments.

    Before selecting a type of treatment or making a dramatic change to your lifestyle, though, you should always talk to your doctor.

    Menopause brings many changes, and it can sometimes feel overwhelming. It’s important that during this time, you make your health a priority.

    Further help and support

  • World Mental Health Day

    World Mental Health Day

    This article was published on 30 Sep 2021. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us

    Mental health problems can affect anyone, any day of the year, but 10 October is a great day to show your support for better mental health and start looking after your own wellbeing.

    World Mental Health Day is run by the World Federation for Mental Health and takes place on 10 October each year.  The theme for this year’s event is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’.  For more details click here.

    Life has been tough for us all during the pandemic. Our daily lives have changed considerably with the months of lockdown and loss have had a huge impact on our mental health.

    According to research by Mind of over 16,000 people, more than half of adults and over two thirds of young people said their mental health got worse during lockdown. Many people developed new mental health problems as a result of the pandemic and, for others with existing mental health problems, these have gotten worse.

    Taking care of your mental health is as important as taking care of your physical health.  Mental health problems affect around one in four people in any given year*. They range from common problems, such as depression and anxiety, to rarer problems such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

    It is important that we all as individuals do what we can to look after ourselves and each other.  You may also have concerns about how others are coping. Starting a conversation with someone around their mental health can feel daunting. You may be worried that you will say the wrong thing but remember saying nothing is far worse. 

    Like adults, the emotional wellbeing of children and young people is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health will allow them to develop the resilience to cope with life’s ups and downs and to grow into well-rounded, healthy adults. For more details on supporting your children, read our Children’s mental health guide here.

    According to the Police Federation, research has shown that emergency services workers are twice as likely as the public to identify problems at work as the main cause of their mental health problems, but they are also significantly less likely to seek help.  So, it’s even more important to look after your own mental health when working on the frontline. Here are some tips:

    Think about your purpose: be clear about why you are doing this job

    Be clear on expectations: make sure you know what is expected of you and whether it is realistic.

    Keep your boundaries: establish clear boundaries between work and personal life, don’t take work home with you.

    Talk to colleagues: make time to talk to your colleagues about your experiences and share fears and concerns.

    Value your own family and relationships: While work is important, your family and relationships need to be valued.

    Exercise: regular exercise can boost your self-esteem, can help you concentrate, relax and increase your overall wellbeing.

    Get plenty of sleep: Sleep helps regulate the chemicals in our brain that transmit information. These chemicals are important in managing our moods and emotions and an imbalance in those chemicals can result in us becoming depressed or anxious.  Read our sleep guide here.

    Eat well: A balanced diet that is good for your physical wellbeing is also good for your mental wellbeing. Your brain needs a mix of nutrients to stay healthy and function well.

    Avoid alcohol: The numbing effects of drinking are only temporary and can often lead to mental health issues. It’s advised that if you do drink, that you stay within the governing bodies recommended unit guidelines.

    Keep in touch: it’s good for you to catch up with friends and family face to face or over the phone.

    Take a break: a change of scenery or pace is good for you.

    Do something you’re good at: enjoying yourself can help beat stress.

    Care for others: supporting others uplifts you as well as them.

    Ask for help: If at times, life gets too much for you, it’s important that you speak to someone, this may be a family member or trusted friend, your GP or a professional organisation, see the list at the end of this guide for details.

    Making positive change is important, but it’s difficult to know where to start. Do one thing today, whether it’s going for a walk, learning a new skill or doing something creative, taking the first steps to getting support for yourself, or reaching out to someone else, take the opportunity to do one thing this World Mental Health Day.

    Whatever you’ve been through this year, World Mental Health Day is a chance to make a positive change for your mental health.

    Where to get help:

    * The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health report from the independent Mental Health Taskforce to the NHS in England, February 2016

  • Suicide Prevention Day 10 September 2021

    Suicide Prevention Day 10 September 2021

    This article was published on 1 Sep 2021. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us

    Reports of high levels of anxiety and psychological distress have significantly increased due to the pandemic. It is important than ever that we all as individuals do what we can to look after ourselves and each other.

    Suicide is more widespread than you might think—it’s the fourth leading cause of death worldwide.

    Those who contemplate suicide often describe the intense feelings they have as hopeless, helpless, worthless and desperate. Whatever the trigger, suicide may seem like the only solution to an unsolvable, painful problem. A suicidal person believes no one can help them and that the problem can’t be fixed.

    There is no typical suicide victim. Suicide occurs across all ages, ethnicities, economic, and social boundaries and in both genders. But, some situations do increase the possibility that people will try to take their own life. The risk of suicide rises with factors such as having a mental health disorder, alcoholism and substance abuse, a family history of suicide or mental condition, physical or emotional abuse, a physical illness with chronic pain, isolation & loneliness or a major loss, which could be work, money or relationship related. 

    Individuals with multiple debt problems are at a ‘significantly higher risk of suicide’ than those with just one problem debt.  According to Money and Mental Health Policy Institute over 420,000 people in problem debt considered taking their own life in England last year, while more than 100,000 people in debt actually attempt suicide annually*.

    Most people who are feeling depressed or desperate enough to consider suicide give clues as to how they are feeling. These may be difficult to see, but knowing some of the warning signs can help you be better prepared to help someone who is struggling.  Talking openly about your concerns may help to prevent a death. 

    There are often warning signs that someone may be thinking about suicide. Here are some signs to look for:  

    Spoken or written threats of suicide.  If the person talks about dying by suicide or about feeling trapped and not knowing a way out of their situation or has written notes or letters about it.  Never assume the person, doesn’t really mean it, always take it very seriously. 

    High-risk behaviour. People who are thinking about suicide sometimes hurt themselves by engaging in drug or alcohol abuse, self-harm and even criminal behaviour. Suicidal people may drive recklessly and put themselves and others in danger. 

    Withdrawal and loss of interest. They no longer enjoy activities that they once did, isolate themselves from family or friends, don’t take care of their appearance, lack energy or find it hard to cope with everyday things.

    Recent important losses. A person may become suicidal as a result of problems or changes that make them feel helpless. These may include divorce, loss of child custody, job loss or the death of a loved one. For a child or a teenager they may be having a difficult time at school with friends, teachers, workload or parental expectations.

    Major changes in sleep or eating patterns. Excessive fatigue, not being able to sleep or sleeping much more than usual, or a loss of appetite or eating much more than usual are all signs that someone may be suffering from depression. 

    Obsession with death. Suicidal people sometimes show an unusual interest in death by the books or movies they choose or the websites they visit. They may do online research about ways to kill themselves. Having decided to die, they may give away possessions. They may also suddenly be in a happier or calmer mood as they make these plans.

    If you believe or even suspect that someone you care about may be suicidal, don’t ignore your suspicions.

     If you notice any of these warning signs in a friend, relative or loved one, encourage them to talk about how they are feeling.  Starting a conversation about suicide can be a difficult thing to do, especially when you’re worried about upsetting someone who might already be in a sensitive place emotionally. How to help someone:

    Offer support. Find a safe, private place to voice your concerns, speak to the person and better assess the situation. Do not agree to keep suicidal information secret, remind the person you are there to help support them.  Don’t leave a suicidal person alone. If you suspect that someone who doesn’t live near you is suicidal, call the person’s local police and ask that a wellness check be done on the person.

    Be direct. Don’t be afraid to bring up suicide. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that talking about it will make the person take his or her life. Talk openly about feelings and concerns. Ask if they have a suicide plan. It’s important to find out this information to pass on to a professional.

    Listen. Be non-judgmental. Don’t tell them not to think about suicide or minimise their problems. Give as much time as needed to talk and let them know you’re there to offer support.

    Remove all dangers. Any prescription and non-prescription drugs or medication or firearms should be removed from their home.

    Contact a GP, counsellor, or psychiatrist. Often these resources can direct you to community resources, such as support groups.

    Helping someone who is feeling suicidal can be extremely stressful. Make sure you have support for yourself from friends, family, or a trained counsellor.

    Helping a Teenager Who May Be at Risk of Suicide. The teenage years can be a difficult time for you and your child. Adolescents may break rules or experiment with different behaviour as they try to establish their independence. As a parent, it’s important to know when your teenager’s feelings are a normal part of growing up and when they are putting him or her at risk. 

    By staying involved in your child’s life, talking openly together, and knowing the warning signs of suicide, you can help deter at-risk behaviour and make sure your child gets the help he or she needs. 

    Suicide is a tragic occurrence that leaves those affected wondering how it could have happened, and how could it have been prevented. Those who are struggling with thoughts of suicide might show outward signs, and it’s important that friends, family, colleagues, and managers are aware of the signs that someone might be at risk of attempting suicide.

    The suicide of someone you love can be devastating. You may have many intense emotions all at once. You may feel shocked, confused, angry, or guilty. You may wonder if you could have done something to prevent the suicide. These thoughts and emotions are normal, and, although it will take time, with the right support, you can move forward with your life. 

    There isn’t a correct way of grieving after a suicide. Grief is a process of healing that people experience in different ways. Even if someone you love died months or years ago, your grief may resurface at certain times of the year, like birthdays or on the anniversary of their death. Your grief may never be entirely over, but it can become gradually more manageable. Try not to set time limits on your grief or compare your feelings to anyone else’s. As you mourn, you may feel these emotions: 

    • Feelings of numbness and disbelief are common when someone dies by suicide. Right after a loss, people often cope with their grief by denying the reality.
    • After a suicide, you may blame doctors or others for not preventing the death. You may blame the person who died for leaving you, or you may feel angry with the world.
    • Intense grief makes it hard to think clearly, so you may at times have thoughts that you know aren’t realistic. You may dwell on all the “what ifs” even if you know that you did the best you could at the time.
    • You may feel very sad, lonely, or helpless. You may wonder how you will ever cope without the person who died. This pain should reduce with time.

    Suicide can affect anyone. If you suspect someone you know is considering suicide, act quickly to get them professional support. Or if you find yourself contemplating it, contact a counsellor, medical professional or one of the organisations listed below immediately.

    Where to get help:

    • Samaritans For anyone with suicidal thoughts or those concerned with suicide. Call the helpline on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org
    • Childline A helpline for children and young people in the UK. Calls are free on 0800 1111 and the number won’t show up on your phone bill.
    • Papyrus For children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide. Also for anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide. Call 0800 068 41 41, text 07786 209 697 or email pat@papyrus-uk.org
    • Students Against Depression is a website for students who are depressed, have a low mood or are having suicidal thoughts.
    • Bullying UK is a website for both children and adults affected by bullying.
    • Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) This resource is specifically for men. Call the helpline on 0800 58 58 58 from 5pm to midnight 365 days a year.
    • NHS Help for suicidal thoughts
    • The Silver Line A confidential, free helpline for older people across the UK.  Call them on 0800 4 70 80 90 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    If you believe that someone is in immediate danger, call 999 or bring them in to your nearest accident and emergency hospital service. You can also call Samaritans on 116 123.

    * Money and Health Policy Institute report ‘a silent killer’ Published December 2018

  • Healthy Eating Week

    Healthy Eating Week

    This article was published on 01 Sep 2021. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us

    Healthy eating is more important than ever as poor nutrition and obesity are becoming more common in the UK.   According to Public Health England nearly 2/3rds of adults in England are classed as being overweight with more men likely to be in this category than women. 

    Being overweight can cause various health concerns and according to Cancer Research UK, overweight and obesity is the 2nd biggest cause of cancer.  Keeping a healthy weight reduces the risk of 13 different types of cancer.  Diabetes and heart disease are also other conditions that you have a higher chance of developing if you are obese.  It is therefore important to ensure you are eating a balanced diet.  This guide will give you some tips on how to achieve a healthy diet.

    How can you improve your eating and drinking habits?

    Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day (this can include frozen & dried).  This will not only improve your nutritional intake, but also many fruits and non-starchy vegetables such as grapes, watermelons, tomatoes, and lettuce, contain a lot of water and can help keep you hydrated as well.

    When eating carbohydrates, choose whole grains and high fibre versions with less added fat, salt and sugar and more vitamins.  Eating whole grains instead of highly refined grains can help reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes and help keep the digestive system.

    Ensure you are getting a good source of protein like lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, soya, seeds and nuts and beans and pulses.  Reduce the amount of processed meat you are eating, these include sausages, bacon, cured ham, corned beef and smoked meat.  Try to eat 2 portions of fish per week, at least one of which is oily.

    Be aware of your sugar intake.  Eating too much sugar can cause weight gain and tooth decay, so moderation is key.  Some studies believe that sugar can be incredibly addictive, so keep track of how much sugar you are adding to your food and drinks.  Look at information on nutrition labels and ingredients lists to help reduce your intake of sugar.  High sugar intake is linked to numerous ailments, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many forms of cancer.

    A lot of products have been choosing to replace their sugar usage with sweeteners and this is where diet drinks have come from.  Sweeteners are a minimum of 200 times sweeter than sugar and can be as much as 700 times sweeter.  This means that less can be used in foods, therefore we consume less product overall.  Sweeteners are much better for you from a dental health perspective.  However, the research around obesity and weight gain is not clear.  It is therefore best that sweeteners included in your diet are in moderation.

    We all know that it’s important to keep hydrated and to drink more water.  Water is good for your health, drinking 8 glasses of water each day is recommended to maintain good health, which is around 1.5 to 2 litres.

    When choosing what to drink, consider the nutritional benefits.  Sugary drinks can often be your biggest source of sugar intake.  The soft drinks industry levy or sugar tax was introduced in April 2018 as a key part of a government strategy to tackle childhood obesity.

    Flavoured water is often promoted as a healthier alternative to fizzy drinks but that’s not always the case.  Even though they are zero or low calories, these drinks can be loaded with sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial colouring, preservatives and other unnatural ingredients.  One easy way to ensure tasty water that’s naturally flavoured is to make it yourself. 

    DIY infused drinks add nutrients to your diet that can strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, kick start your metabolism and help you maintain a healthy, hydrated body.  You could try using cucumber, lemon, lime, mint, ginger, basil or even a cinnamon stick.

    Swap caffeine and alcohol with water.  Caffeine and alcohol are both diuretics, meaning that they cause your body to remove fluids from your blood at a much quicker rate than other liquids. This results in the body becoming dehydrated.

    Alcohol supplies almost twice as many calories as protein and carbs.  Alcoholic drinks also contain calories from other sources, which add to overall caloric intake, eg. Cocktails, mixers, spirits.  Alcohol loosens the inhibitions and therefore you are more likely to indulge on unhealthy foods.  If you’re drinking and then you don’t feel well the next day, you’re going to be less likely to be physically active.  When you drink your body is more focused on breaking down alcohol rather than burning fat.

    Recommended Daily Allowance

    Food labels use reference intakes to demonstrate the amount of calories you should eat each day.  The intake for an average adult should be:

    • Saturates – less than 20g
    • Carbohydrates – at least 260g
    • Energy – 2000Kcal
    • Fat – less than 70g
    • Total sugars – 90g
    • Protein – 50g
    • Salt – less than 6g

    Poor nutrition or malnutrition is caused by a person’s diet lacking the right amount of nutrients.  Malnutrition can refer to undernutrition, which is not getting enough nutrition and over nutrition, where you are getting more nutrients than you need.  Malnutrition can lead to a range of serious health conditions, including:

    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Obesity
    • Depression
    • Bone and join issues
    • Tooth decay

    It’s important for you to be aware of the symptoms of poor nutrition and dehydration. These include, but are not limited to; dizziness, dry skin, nausea and heart palpitations. If you notice any of these changes occurring, you need to be proactive and take some preventative measures to avoid malnutrition by having a healthier, more balanced diet.

    Here are some tips if you are trying to loose weight and want to reduce hunger cravings naturally:

    • Some foods are high in soluble fibre which form a gel in your bowels, making you fuller for longer and helping to clear cholesterol from your blood. Eat oats, barley, rice, golden linseeds, chia seeds, aubergine, okra, bananas, apples, citrus fruits, strawberries, prunes, plums, avocados, pears, carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes and onions.  Food such as meat, fish and diary don’t contain any fibre as this only comes from plant foods. 
    • Keep it simple and don’t fall prey to fad diets.
    • Aim for a protein source at every meal to combat the hunger cycle.
    • If you don’t exercise often, look to make movement part of your day.  
    • Avoid drinking sugary drinks where possible, as it is common to underestimate how many calories and how much sugar a drink can contain. Look out for ‘no added sugar’ drinks
    • Feel empowered, not overwhelmed, if you are trying to switch to a healthier diet take it one step at a time and in moderation. You will be more likely to stick with it. Be patient losing weight will take time.
    • Set realistic goals, to maintain a balanced nutritional diet and fit in regular exercise. Start by making small changes such as walking daily.
    • Try using a health and wellbeing mobile app to keep track of your calorie intake and water consumption. Make sure you celebrate your milestones.

    Food and Stress

    You have both physical and psychological relationships with food.  Your physical relationship with food is based on the types of food you choose to eat, your eating behaviour, or habits and how your body responds biologically to your diet.

    Your psychological or emotional relationship with food is based on how you think about food, how you use food for reasons other than to relieve hunger, and how food relates to your body image, or the way you feel about how you look.

    In order to get control of stress eating, you have to control your stress levels.

    5 ways to manage food consumption when stressed:

    1. Know your stressors
    2. Exercise to reduce stress
    3. Reach out for help
    4. Try Mindfulness
    5. Learn intuitive eating
  • Know Your Numbers Week

    Know Your Numbers Week

    This article was published on 01 Sep 2021. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us

    Know your numbers week encourages people to get their blood pressure tested.  Many people have high blood pressure without knowing it, which can cause other health problems.  As well as understanding your blood pressure, it’s also important to understand your cholesterolblood sugar and body mass index.

    The more you know about these key health numbers the more you can do to take steps to look after yourself and lead a long and healthy life. 

    This guide will provide you with some self-tests that you can do yourself at home and also information on how to improve your overall wellbeing.

    Your weight

    The vast majority of people will know if they are carrying too much weight or not. 

    If you don’t own a set of scales, then you can use the waist to hip ratio. All you need to do is measure your hip at the widest point and your waist at just above the belly button. Then what you do is divide your waist size by your hip size.

    • A ration of 0.95 or below for men is good and 0.80 and below for women.
    • 0 or higher for men and 0.85 or higher for women is greater risk of poor health.

    Alternatively you can just measure your waist:

    • The ideal waist size is 35 inches for men and 32.5 inches for women.
    • A waist size for men of 40 inches (102cm) and 35 inches (88cm) for women increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease significantly.

    Waist size is important because it’s all about where you store your fat.  If you store your fat around the waist then it’s sitting around your vital organs such as the liver and kidneys, which will increase the chance of diabetes and cholesterol.

    Blood pressure

    You can get your blood pressure checked with your GP or you can buy your own machine for around £30 to £40. Your heart responds to virtually everything that happens in your body and you can learn a lot from blood pressure by analysing the readings. 

    Although the most common way is to look at the actual level of the diastolic and systolic readings e.g. 120/80 the other useful analysis is to look at the pulse pressure difference which is the difference between the higher and lower figures. If the difference is continually above 60 e.g. 140/80 – then it could be an indicator of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. The reason being that the arteries are having to expand too far and if they do that continually they lose their elasticity.

    If you don’t have a blood pressure machine, you can simply do pulse testing either manually yourself by counting the number beats from the pulse (against your neck or inside your wrist) or through a free app on your phone.

    Your pulse is an important test and it’s a good idea to get to understand your pulse. A healthy person should have a resting pulse rate of between 60 to 100 beats per minute.

    However, it is possible to have a resting pulse rate as low as 35 if you are extremely fit. If you are not extremely fit and regularly have a heart rate outside of 60-100 beats per minute then you should visit your G.P.

    When you understand your average pulse rate, and for example you know that your pulse is regularly in the low 60’s and all of a sudden its 85 – then unless you know why it’s changed so radically (85 over the course of 3 days) then again it may be worth calling your G.P.

    If you are taking your pulse manually you will start to understand how it feels and if it feels irregular then again it’s something that you might raise with you G.P.

    One of the causes of high pulse pressure can be stress and it can be improved by doing relaxation breathing exercises.

    The other home test you can do, is a urine test, urine analysis sticks can easily be purchased from the chemist. They are easy to use and can tell you a host of information, particularly around blood glucose, testing for diabetes but also kidney and liver issues. It’s important not to misinterpret the results and to take tests over a period of a few days to ensure that the issue wasn’t just something passing through for example a cold or virus.  Additionally, it’s important to ensure that you are drinking plenty of water and keeping hydrated. A lot of kidney and liver issues are due to dehydration skewing the results.

    Cancer self-tests

    Everyone should be checking their skin regularly for changes to moles and spots that don’t appear to heal. We should all be checking our breasts, testicles, armpits, neck and groin for lumps.

    It’s recommended that you keep a record of your checking and in the case of skin checks don’t be afraid to take photos so that you have got something to refer back to in the future to assess changes.

    Additionally, other symptoms to look out for are blood in the urine and stool, regular pain in the kidneys and stomach without any apparent reason and increased need to go to the toilet at night when you haven’t been drinking excessively.

    If you are worried about anything then ensure you make an appointment to see your GP.

    How to stay healthy

    Exercise is the key, if you don’t like exercise or don’t have a lot of time, then try high intensity training.

    For example, use an exercise bike for 10 minutes every day, within this 10 mins, do 30 seconds of sprinting followed by 30 seconds of relaxing riding.

    You could also do the same thing by sprinting and walking between lamp posts or on a step box. Or do weight bearing exercise in the same way, using quite light weights, but fast reps. Weight bearing exercise is important because you lose about 1% of muscle every year over the age of 40. Muscle speeds us metabolism and metabolism burns fat.

    High intensity exercise was designed by Dr Tabata and research shows that it is a form of exercise that is very good at reducing blood sugar and therefore avoiding diabetes.

    Another big reason for increasing exercise is to do with stress. I find that exercise works as a distraction for your brain constantly either thinking about work or other issues. Exercise helps people switch off.

    As well as exercise, it’s also important to relax. Mindfulness is great to help you switch off, as many people struggle to do this on their own, apps such as Headspace and Thrive tend to help focus the mind.

    Relaxation techniques are not just about the brain they also really help the heart. Reading is also a great way to relax, it can help distract the brain from more stressful issues.


    Nutrition is now more important than ever, having a balanced diet help ensure we have the correct nutrients.  Dark green leafy vegetables and colourful fruits and especially fruits with red in them are can really make a difference.  These will ensure you get vitamin C, vitamin D and Zinc on board.

    It’s also important to reduce the amount of processed fats you eat, as these types of fat stick around your waste and increase issues such as heart disease.   These types of fats are found in many take-aways.

    Water is massively undervalued, every organ in the body needs hydrating, water is needed in order for the fat burning process to work, depending on your size and how much exercise you are doing, you need to drink 2-3 litres per day.

    The skill going forward is going to be changing our habits, walking to the shops instead of driving, walking upstairs instead of taking the lift etc. 

    Our bodies were not designed to sit down on chairs, sitting down as much as we do fundamentally squash’s our skeleton, which can lead to musculoskeletal problems. What we need to do is move more, the HSE recommend a 10 minute movement break from sitting down every hour.  The key is to try to introduce movement into the daily routine e.g. take all telephone calls standing up where you can and taking a break for lunch away from the desk and go for a walk.

    For more information read our Nutrition guide here.


    We also need to learn how to sleep better. Many people use their mobile phones for alarms and look at them right up until we turn the lights off, without giving their minds to start to relax. Before going to sleep its important to be as relaxed as possible, the room is dark and it’s the right temperature. 

    It’s also important to have coping skills on how to relax your minds if you do wake up in the middle of the night, in order to maximise the relaxation of the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

    For more information read our Sleep guide here.

    Boosting your immune system

    Having a strong immune system is important in order to be able to fight off a variety of illnesses and infections. In order to increase the ability to produce antibodies and ensure that your T-cell levels (lymphocytes) are not reduced you can:

    • Increase your level of vitamin D – spend time outside, drink fortified milk, eat fortified cereal, salmon, mackerel and sardines.
    • Increase your level of vitamin C – eat plenty of citrus fruits like grapefruit and oranges, Red Bell Peppers (3 times the vit C of an orange), Broccoli, Garlic, Ginger, Spinach, Yoghurt, Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Turmeric, Green Tea, Papaya, Kiwi, Poultry, Shellfish (it’s important to take vit C daily because your body can’t store it).
    • Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink, as it damages the immune system
    • Ensure you relax, exercise and have good quality sleep as all of these boost the immune system
    • Take an immune busting vitamin tablet every day
  • International Friendship Day

    International Friendship Day

    This article was published on 24 Jun 2021. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us

    International Day of Friendship is a day to appreciate and promote friendships from all backgrounds.  It is celebrated across the globe on July 30, 2021, the day promotes the idea that friendships between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace and build bridges between those communities.

    It was introduced in 2011 as a UN initiative to reject poverty, violence and human rights abuse and to promote peace, security and social harmony.  For more details click here.

    Friendship requires empathy, compassion and concern for other people. By valuing and celebrating friendship, we develop these characteristics ourselves and adopt a more selfless and grateful outlook on life. 

    Why are friendships important

    Evidence suggest there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. One of which is to connect with others.

    Connecting with the people around you, your family, friends, colleagues and neighbours are key to your overall wellbeing. These relationships will support and enrich you.

    This has been particularly important and challenging during the pandemic. Good relationships are important for your mental wellbeing. They can help you to build a sense of belonging and self-worth, give you an opportunity to share positive experiences and provide emotional support and allow you to support others.

    For more details on the 5 steps to wellbeing click here.

    During this time where many of us may feel isolated, it’s vital that we maintain strong friendships with people we feel close to.

    There are many benefits of friendships – there is a distinct connection between wellbeing and friendship, in simple terms good friends are good for your health. They help you celebrate the successes in your life, as well as providing a listening ear and support network when you experience lows or times of need.

    Maintaining the significant relationships in our lives brings numerous health benefits, such as increasing our self-esteem and confidence, reducing our stress levels and boosting our sense of purpose and belonging.

    As well as the wellbeing benefits that friendships bring, our friends help us become more well-rounded individuals. For example, through our relationships with others we learn about different cultures, beliefs and languages.

    As our lives progress, many of us find it difficult to develop new friendships. This is often because of new priorities that require our focus and attention, such as work, childcare or carer responsibilities. In addition, your long-lasting friendships might become strained due to you relocating to a new community or simply because of changes in your lives and interests. The result of which can have negative effect on your mental health and wellbeing.

    How to celebrate International Day of Friendship 

    • Find out about other cultures: The world is getting smaller and smaller. The population is growing yet we can all communicate with each other instantaneously. This is a great thing for the curious—we have access to the sum total of human knowledge at our fingertips, and can chat with people from different cultures as easily as we can chat to the person in the next room. Use the day to read about people whose lives are almost unimaginably different—and maybe reach out to a few, and see where it takes you. Think about what unites people instead of what separates us. 
    • Spend time with friends and family: In our busy lives, we often forget to pause and reach out to those who are closest to us. Take the time on the International. If you can’t see a friend, ring them up for a chat or reach out to someone who you’ve not spoken to for a while.
    • Use this day of Friendship to slow down a little, and catch up with the friends and family you maybe neglect a little with your busy schedule. Get together – either virtually or at a safe distance – switch off your phones, and revel in each other’s company. By making time to be social, you’ll strengthen the bonds that hold your friendships together, and make a positive difference to the lives of people who care about you.
  • Latest: Men’s Health Week

    Latest: Men’s Health Week

    This article was published on Thu 10 Jun 2021. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us

    Men’s Health Week June 14-20 2021

    For more information about the week click here.

    Wellbeing and health are topics that are often over-looked by men.

    Did you know:

    • 1 man in 5 dies before age 65.
    • 2 men in 5 die before age 75.
    • A waist over 37 inches puts you at increased risk of many serious health conditions.
    • You can have a NHS health check from age 40.
    • Women live longer than men.
    • Just over three-quarters of suicides (76%) are male.
    • Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 49.
    • Men between the ages of 18 and 44 are less likely to go see a doctor than women.
    • Relationship breakdown and financial worries are more likely for men to lead to suicide.
    • Men are nearly three times more likely than women to become alcohol dependent.
    • Men are more likely to use (and die from) illegal drugs.
    • Men are less likely to access psychological therapies than women.
    • When men do use therapy, it is at the point of crisis.
    • 87% of rough sleepers are men.

    It is vital that men start to feel more comfortable talking about their health and wellbeing.

    Physical Health
    The main physical health issues that men face are:
    Heart attacks strike men at younger ages than women. On average, a first heart attack strikes men at age 65. For women, the average age of a first heart attack is 72. It’s not entirely clear why middle-aged men have more heart attacks than women in the same age group. But historically higher rates of unhealthy habits, including smoking and stress, may be partly to blame.

    Men are 14% more likely to get cancer than women and 37% more likely to die from it. This is probably due to a higher risk of exposure to carcinogens, lack of awareness of risks and not going to see a doctor when symptoms develop.

    Testicular cancer tends to mostly affect men between 15 and 49 years of age. Typical symptoms are a painless swelling or lump in 1 of the testicles, or any change in shape or texture of the testicles. It’s important to be aware of what feels normal for you. Get to know your body and see a GP if you notice any changes.

    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK. It usually develops slowly, so there may be no signs for many years. Symptoms of prostate cancer do not usually appear until the prostate is large enough to affect the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the penis (urethra).

    When this happens, you may notice things like:

    • an increased need to urinate
    • straining while you urinate
    • a feeling that your bladder has not fully emptied

    These symptoms should not be ignored, but they do not mean you have prostate cancer.  It’s more likely they’re caused by something else, such as prostate enlargement

    Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a person’s blood sugar level to become too high. There are 2 main types of diabetes:

    • type 1 diabetes – where the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin
    • type 2 diabetes – where the body does not produce enough insulin, or the body’s cells do not react to insulin

    Type 2 diabetes is far more common than type 1. In the UK, around 90% of all adults with diabetes have type 2. Men are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than women.

    For more details on men’s health click here

    Tips for staying healthy:

    • Drink less than 14 units of alcohol a week (equivalent of 6 pints of average strength beer).
    • If you smoke, STOP! On average a cigarette smoker will die 10 years younger than a non-smoker.
    • Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day.
    • Walk 10,000 steps a day.
    • If it comes in brown choose this over white (rice, pasta, bread).
    • Drink at least 2 litres of water a day.
    • Aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week.
    • Regularly have your cholesterol and blood pressure checked.
    • Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night (or day if you are working nights).

    Mental Health
    The coronavirus outbreak has had an impact on everyone’s lives. The pandemic has made many of us feel anxious and stressed. Its great that restrictions are starting to ease across the UK and we are starting to come out of lockdown, but these changes may lead to your feeling anxious about leaving the safety of your home.

    If you are concerned about returning to the office after working from home click here to read our guide.

    If you’re not feeling great, you’re not alone. One in four people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year. This may increase during 2020 due to the pandemic.

    For many of us talking about mental health is difficult and often men find this even more difficult. It’s hard to put how you’re feeling into words. Remember you can be strong without being silent.

    As a police officer your role is to serve and protect, this means that you are less likely to ask for help, as you think it’s seen as a sign of weakness. We all need to stop thinking that talking about emotional or mental health is a sign of weakness. Police officers are dying because they aren’t asking for or getting help.

    Research has shown that emergency services workers are twice as likely as the public to identify problems at work as the main cause of their mental health problems, but they are also significantly less likely to seek help.

    Between 2015 and 2017 more than 20 police officers took their own life each year. That’s almost two a month*

    With a quarter of emergency service workers admitting to thinking about taking their own lives, the ‘Man up’ campaign through the Police Federation encourages officers to take each other’s mental wellbeing as seriously as they take each other’s physical safety, and questions whether we are too dismissive of a colleague who may be showing signs of mental health issues – something that has potentially fatal consequences. When you hear ‘Man Up’, think ‘Man Down’ offer help. For more details of this campaign click here.

    If you’re struggling with your mental health, help is available –

    Stress and anxiety are normal, especially in these uncertain times. It’s what we do about it that matters. There are various steps you can take to cope with being under pressure, remember, different things work for different people.

    Identify your triggers and take control – working out what triggers your stress can help you anticipate when you may feel stressed and what you could do about it in advance.

    Organise your time – making some adjustments to the way you organise your time can help you feel more in control and able to handle the pressure you are feeling.

    Be active – exercise can help clear your head and then let you deal with your problems more calmly. Go outside to exercise, as fresh air and spending time in nature can really help.

    Talk to other people – friends, family and colleagues can help support you through the stress you are feeling, you may even have a laugh and start to relax. You may also want to consider talking to a professional counsellor.

    Do something you enjoy – spending time doing something you enjoy will take your mind off how you are feeling. Everyone needs to take time for themselves, it can be as simple as having a bath or reading a book.

    Avoid unhealthy ways to cope – many people use alcohol, smoking, chocolate and gambling to try and relieve the stress they are feeling, none of these things will help in the long term, use healthy coping strategies like going for a run, listening to music or walking the dog.

    Challenge yourself – learning new skills and setting yourself new goals will help build your confidence and make you feel good about yourself.

    Help others – people who volunteer in the community or for a worthwhile cause tend to be more resilient.

    Try to be positive – think of all the things you are grateful for, write down or say out loud 3 things that went well each day.

    Address some of the causes – where possible improve some of the issues that are putting pressure on you.

    Accept the things you can’t change – it’s not easy, but accepting that there are some things happening to you that you can’t do anything about will help you focus your time and energy elsewhere.

    For more details on looking after your mental health, read our guide here.

    To read our stress awareness guide click here

    Financial wellbeing

    Worrying about money can be extremely stressful and may lead to mental and physical health conditions.

    According to the Police Federation of England and Wales Pay & Morale Survey:

    • 1 in 8 said they sought financial support in the last year to cover day to day expenses.
    • 51% of respondents told us that they found themselves worrying about the state of their personal finances every day or almost every day.
    • 17% of respondents said that they had sought advice because of money issues in the last year.
    • 86% of respondent with Mental health problems said that financial situation made their mental health worse.
    • 46% of people in problem debt also have mental health problems
    • Mental Health makes you three times more likely to be in problem debt.
    • Individuals with multiple debt problems are at a ‘significantly high risk of suicide’ than those with just one problem debt.

    If you’re struggling with debt or finding it hard to manage your finances then we’re here to help.

    For more details, read our debt awareness guide here

    If you are struggling with gambling, call the National Gambling Helpline (24 hours) 0808 80 20 133 or read our guide here.

    Police Mutual Services

    We’ve teamed up with PayPlan**, one of the UK’s leading free debt advice providers, who offer free and confidential advice to anyone in serious financial difficulties.

    They’re able to advise you on a range of debt solutions suited to your individual circumstances, helping to protect you and your family with a sustainable way to manage your debt.

    Get free and confidential help to combat your debt, call PayPlan** on 0800 197 8433.

    Our Care Line Service provided by Health Assured can offer advice and information, helping with a range of concerns including emotional support.

    Take a look at the e-portal or download the APP.

    Health & Wellbeing e-portal


    Username: policemutual Password: careline

    Download the Health Assured App and register today – your code is MHA107477

    *According to the Police Federation of England and Wales

    **PayPlan is a trading name of Totemic Limited. Totemic Limited is a limited company registered in England, Company Number: 2789854. Registered Office: Kempton House, Dysart Road, PO Box 9562, Grantham, NG31 0EA. Totemic Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Conduct Authority Number: 681263.

    PMGI Limited, trading as Police Mutual is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Services Register No. 114942. Registered in England & Wales No.1073408. Registered office: Brookfield Court, Selby Road, Leeds, LS25 1NB. For your security, all telephone calls are recorded and may be monitored.