How do you feel about retiring?
Retirement is an exciting time for most people – it’s an opportunity to finally do all the things you wanted to do, but couldn’t do before. But for many it’s also a challenging time, as they (and those around them) adjust to their new lifestyle.
Your Relationship
If you have a partner or family, have you considered that your retirement could affect them too? There are the obvious financial changes your retirement could make to the household, but there are also emotional aspects which you may also want to take into account.
A working partner
If your partner still has to get up and go to work every day, how are they going to feel if they’re leaving you in bed? You may find your roles and responsibilities will have to change so you can take on more of the domestic responsibilities to make their life easier at home.
If your partner doesn’t work
Your retirement could mean you spending more time with your partner. Whilst this may sound like a good idea, it could also lead to friction, especially if they’re used to time without you and their own space. You may need to acknowledge and respect that they already have a routine for their daily activities. How you fit in with this is something you can discuss and develop over time. Agreeing boundaries and expectations for both of you at the outset might help avoid arguments later on.
Understanding change
Retirement gives you the chance to make a fresh start, but as part of this, there are changes you will face and it’s up to you how you deal with them.
Feeling uncomfortable about change is a natural, and let’s face it retiring is probably one of the biggest changes you’ll ever have to face, especially if you’ve been with the Police service for some time.
Everyone deals with change in a different way and in a different timescale, but the process and feelings they go through in order to come to terms with it tends to be typically the same.
Other things you should know
Financial Matters
Retirement may mean a change in the levels of income you’re used to having at your disposal. Within this Retirement Centre we can help you understand the income you can expect when you retire, how to reduce your expenditure and how to plan for the future.
Loss of routine
Routine isn’t perhaps the best word to use for a member of the Police service, but many miss the stability of having their role and as strange as it seems, setting the alarm clock. Perhaps once the dust of your retirement has settled, establishing a new routine for yourself is something you might want to consider. After all, how else will you fit in all those new things you want to do?
Losing touch with colleagues
Why wouldn’t you miss your colleagues? You’ve probably spend the best part of your life with some of them. Make an effort to keep meeting up with your old work friends. They might not let on, but they’re probably missing you too. And don’t forget, as you start to become active in retirement you’re also bound to make new friends along the way.
Losing your identity
This is one that many find difficult to deal with. One day you could be a Police Officer, the next, you’re not. But that doesn’t have to be it – retirement gives you a fresh start to re-define who and what you are. You may be younger than most typical retirees, so if you want to start a new career or your own business you can. Or if you want to travel or start a new hobby or sport, that’s all possible too.
Physical Health
Chances are you’ve enjoyed an active job, so, slowing down might be a struggle for you. Even if you spent a lot of time sat behind a desk, the simple act of getting up for a specific time and going to work can keep you feeling healthy. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to keep yourself in tip top condition. We’ve covered this off in detail in the Health and Wellbeing section.
Having more time on your hands
Once you’ve done everything you have planned for your retirement, what then? How do you stop yourself from becoming bored? You may be surprised how quickly you slip into a routine at home and you may even start to wonder how you fitted it all in when you were working. Or perhaps now is the time to start a new hobby, begin a second career or volunteer?
More retirement tips from Police Mutual

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