This article was published on 31 Mar 2022. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us
World Health Day is an awareness day organised by the World Health Organisation. This year they have chosen the campaign ‘Our planet, our health’ For more details click here.
World Health Day is celebrated annually, and each year draws attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world.
It is an ideal time to think about your own health and of those close to you.
Your overall wellbeing is fundamental to how fulfilled you feel and comprises of all aspects of life, including, financial, social, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Positive wellbeing improves your resilience and will help you overcome difficulties and life’s challenges.
Physical Health
Research shows that being sedentary is bad for your health, so ensure you keep active. Exercise helps both your physical and mental health, so it’s important to stay active.
A few hours of gentle exercise a week will release endorphins that make you feel energised. This could be as simple as a walk, a run, a cycle ride, dancing or even some gardening. In simple terms exercising makes you feel good.
For more details on looking after your physical health read our physical health guide here and our wellbeing guide here.
When you’re well rested, you think more clearly, feel better, and have more stamina and energy. But many people don’t get the 7-9 hours of sleep that doctors recommend. Lack of sleep, even for a few days, can leave you feeling irritable, frustrated, and forgetful. Regular poor sleep can put you at risk of serious medical conditions, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes and it may shorten your life expectancy.
We spend about a third of our lives asleep. Sleep is essential, it is as important to our bodies as eating, drinking, and breathing, and is vital for maintaining good mental and physical health. Sleeping helps us to recover from mental as well as physical exertion.
For more details, read our sleep guide here.
Stress Awareness
We all know what it’s like to feel stressed, being under pressure is a normal part of life. But becoming overwhelmed by stress can lead to mental and physical health problems or make existing problems worse.
It’s important to put measures in place to reduce any stress you are feeling and to take a moment to think about your own wellbeing and find out more on how to manage stress. For more details, read our stress awareness guide here.
Dealing with change is hard for everyone and can be extremely stressful, for more information on handling change and improving your resilience read our guide here.
Being overweight can cause various health concerns and according to Cancer Research UK, overweight and obesity is the 2nd biggest cause of cancer. Keeping a healthy weight reduces the risk of 13 different types of cancer. Diabetes and heart disease are also other conditions that you have a higher chance of developing if you are obese.
It is therefore important to ensure you are eating a balanced diet. For more details, read our nutrition guide here.
Mental Health
It’s important that you take care of your mind as well as your body.
Evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Trying these things could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life.
- Connect with other people – Good relationships are important for your mental wellbeing. This may be more difficult at the moment, but still try to connect with others by video call or on a social distanced walk.
- Be active – this is great for both your physical and mental wellbeing.
- Take notice – paying more attention to the present can improve your mental wellbeing. Click here to try mindfulness.
- Learn new skills – continued learning though life enhances self-esteem and encourages social interactions and a more active lifestyle.
- Give to others – research suggests that acts of giving and kindness and being part of community life can improve your mental wellbeing.
For more details on the 5 steps to wellbeing click here.
It’s as important to look after your mental health as it is your physical health. For more details, read our mental health guide here.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help if your mental health is starting to deteriorate or you’re struggling to cope.
Financial health
Money worries are not just a financial problem they can cause relationships problems, people to lose homes and families to break down. People from all walks of life can end up in debt for many different reasons, like divorce, redundancy, ill health, or bereavement. It’s not always easy to talk about money worries but if you’re struggling financially, it’s important to take action.
For more details, read our debt awareness guide here.
Financial problems is one of the biggest worries that can negatively affect your mental health. According to the Police Federation’s annual Pay & Morale survey results published in November 2020 just under a third of respondents said that their household was worse off financially now than before the COVID-19 crisis.
It’s important to start talking about money worries before your situation gets worse. Talking about money will give you the confidence to get help and find out who can best advise you on any problems.
It can give you a great sense of relief to share your problems, so you’re not facing them alone. It’s important to seek professional advice as soon as possible and not wait until it’s more difficult to find a solution.
We’ve teamed up with PayPlan*, one of the UK’s leading free debt advice providers, who offer free and confidential advice to anyone in serious financial difficulties.
They’re able to advise you on a range of debt solutions suited to your individual circumstances, helping to protect you and your family with a sustainable way to manage your debt.
Get free and confidential help to combat your debt, call PayPlan* on 0800 197 8433.
*PayPlan is a trading name of Totemic Limited. Totemic Limited is a limited company registered in England, Company Number: 2789854. Registered Office: Kempton House, Dysart Road, PO Box 9562, Grantham, NG31 0EA. Totemic Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Conduct Authority Number: 681263.