Gender Pay Gap

Following the introduction of Government legislation in April 2017, businesses with at least 250 employees are required to report on their gender pay gap. All employees of Police Mutual are employed by PM Central Services Plc.

The regulations were implemented to eliminate the gender pay gap in the UK and aim to help employers to identify the gaps in their organisation so they can take an appropriate action to close their gender pay gap. Approximately 9,000 UK employers across the private, public and social sectors are required to produce their own reports.

You can view our Gender Pay Gap Report 2019 by downloading it here.

You can view our Gender Pay Gap Report 2018 by downloading it here.

It’s the percentage difference between average hourly earnings of men and women.

The report provides the results of six calculations that must be published under the regulations.  Our report also provides further information to help understand the reasons for our gaps and sets out our commitments on how we plan to address our gender pay gap.