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We are proud that Police Mutual Car and Home Insurance have been independently rated as Five-Star policies by Moneyfacts.
Every year, Moneyfacts’ impartial experts assess the features of financial products to identify the great and the good in the market. Those awarded a Five-Star rating are deemed to be some of the best available.
The star ratings are designed to give people peace of mind around what they are purchasing, for example helping them know that they will get a quality product that offers a full range of cover included as standard without any hidden fees.
Samantha Owens, Star Ratings Manager at Moneyfacts, said: “The Moneyfacts Insurance Star Ratings showcase the most complete products with the highest limits and most extensive range of features, which enables consumers to direct their focus towards the most suitable policy for them. Police Mutual’s Car and Home Insurance policies offer competitive limits with no hidden fees.”
John Perks, CEO of Police Mutual, added: “We’re incredibly proud of the Five-Star ratings we have received from Moneyfacts, not only because this is the highest possible rating, but because it’s off the back of impartial and independent analysis. We’re always striving to offer the best possible products to our members, and to get recognition from Moneyfacts that we’re doing this is very pleasing.”
Find out more about our Five-Star rated policies here:
Police Mutual Car and Home Insurance is provided by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance PLC, and is arranged and administered by PMGI Limited trading as Police Mutual.
PMGI Limited, trading as Police Mutual, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England & Wales No. 1073408. Registered office: Alexandra House, Queen Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 6QS.