This article was published on Thur 19 Mar 2020. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. Some links may no longer work. If you have any concerns about this please contact us
Welcome to the Police Mutual App for Force Authorised Officers (FAO) and Authorised Officers (AO). Thank you for downloading it and we hope you find it full of useful information to help you in your role as a Police Mutual advocate. A summary of what you can see in this section of the app is detailed below.
• Latest news to keep you fully updated on all Police Mutual news and specific news articles to assist you in your role
• Advanced notice of our special offers, prize draws and our most current campaigns.
• Details of how you can support Police Mutual and access materials to promote our campaigns to your colleagues and family
• Details of all the events Police Mutual run throughout the year and how to promote them
• Guidance for keeping your displays current
• Contact details for members of the Police Mutual team who are here to support you in your valuable role as a Force Authorised Officer or Authorised Officer
• Details of the Purpose, Role Profile and Best Practice Guidance
• Sharing of best practice and to see what great work the FAO/AO community are doing
And we’d love you to give us lots of feedback about what you are doing out there to support us, how you’d like us to support you and what’s going well or not so well. So we have a Community Update section where we can share ideas, successes and development opportunities.