This article was published on Tue 15 Sep 2020. At the time of publishing, this article was true and accurate, however, over time this may have changed. If you have any concerns about this please contact us

Why International Day of Peace matters more than ever in 2020

Tue 15 Sep 2020

Monday 21st September is International Day of Peace.

The United Nations first established the International Day of Peace in 1981. It’s a date observed every year, when all nations are encouraged to “commit to peace above all differences”. Warring nations are urged to lay down their weapons and observe a 24-hour ceasefire.

A 2-minute silence is also observed at 12pm in each of the world’s time-zones. It’s a chance to reflect on those things that unite us as human beings. And it’s also an opportunity to celebrate those brave men and women who make it their duty to keep the peace around the globe.

This year’s theme is “Shaping Peace Together”. It’s about spreading compassion, kindness and hope, in response to the pandemic, which has touched all of our lives in 2020. In many ways, what the events of this year have taught us is that our common enemy is not each other, but a virus, which threatens both our health and our ways of life, too.

As humanity battles to defeat COVID-19, it’s up to all of us to open up, talk to one another and share ideas as one. By putting our differences aside and focusing on our common goals, hopefully we can weather the storm and change our planet for the better.

So, while we may not be able to stand together physically, because of social distancing, we can stand up for the ideals of kindness and solidarity.

Type of article: Articles
Category: Wellbeing

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