Social Media Policy
Police Mutual uses a number of social media sites including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. This page tells you the conditions of their use.
Acceptable Use
We encourage open and lively debate but also want our social media accounts to be a safe and respectful environment for everyone to use. In order to achieve this, we ask that you do no post anything (including words, images & videos) on our social media pages that:
- Is threatening, abusive, indecent or offensive
- Could be considered defamatory or embarrassing or damaging to the reputation of any individual, group of individuals, the Police Service or the UK Armed Forces.
- Promotes discrimination of any kind e.g. race, religion, nationality, age, gender or sexual orientation
- Post personal or confidential information (for example address, telephone number or email details). If you need to share this information with us, please do so in a private message or contact our Customer Services Team on 0151 242 7640.
- Breaches any law or regulations
- Direct people to sites containing viruses or anything that might damage their computer or phone
- Spam or troll our social media accounts
Remember that social media sites are public forums, by adding data, comment or information to our social media account you should assume that this is visible to other internet users and Police Mutual.
For advice on how to keep yourself safe online please visit
How we manage our social media accounts
We are legally responsible for anything that appears on our own social media pages. We reserve the right to hide or delete anything which breaches the above guidelines or which we determine might cause offence to our social media communities.
We may also block users who repeatedly breach our policy.
We won’t hide or remove content that doesn’t breach the above rules simply because it’s negative to Police Mutual.
Our social media accounts may be managed by our employees and/or third parties appointed by us.
Social media platforms also have their own rules and terms over which we have no control. They may remove your posts or take other action if you do not act in accordance with these rules and terms.
This policy also applies to any additional social media channels that we may choose to use in the future, for example Instagram.
Views and comments
The comments and messages posted on our social media platforms are the views and opinions of the person posting and are not the views of Police Mutual.
If we’d like to use anything you post or message to our social media accounts, we will ask your permission first.
If you find something on our social media accounts that you are concerned about, please contact our Customer Services Team on 0151 242 7640.
Intellectual property rights
We encourage you to share our social media content with others. The trademarks, company names, logo and images used on our social media channels and the content of the posts (except where other contributors are acknowledged) are the intellectual property of Police Mutual. You should not use them outside of the social media platform without our prior authorisation.
Information that we collect and how it will be used
When you leave a contribution on our social media sites we may record and retain information (anonymous or otherwise) about you. This may include your use of the sites and the frequency of your visits. The social media platforms may also share certain information with us in accordance with your personalised privacy settings on the individual social media sites.
Governing Law
These terms and conditions are governed by English Law.
Our social media channels are directed at people in the UK and are designed for use in the UK
Changes to our social media policy
We keep our social media policy under regular review and will place any updates here. This social media policy was last updated on 1 October 2020.

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