We recognise that the policing landscape is changing and that the level of demand on resources is an ongoing challenge on wellbeing, which is why we produce wellbeing guides linking to key notable awareness dates. We focus on topics across the 4 pillars of wellbeing – physical, mental, financial and social, to help you to look after your health and wellbeing and to stay happy and healthy.
Police Mutual - We're here to help you:
Stay in control of your health and wellbeing
Realise your potential
Build your resilience
Work productively
Make a social contribution
Wellbeing guides
Police Mutual are here to help, we will get through this together. The following guides will help you to navigate these uncertain times.
We will be producing more guides each month, to see what subjects we will be focusing on during 2025, click here to open our wellbeing calendar.
The services provided by the Foundation are given below.
For more information please email foundation@pmas.co.uk